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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Virginia Vacation - Long Overdue

Last month we took a trip to Woodbridge VA for our nephew's high school graduation. This marked our first official trip as a family, with our little girl!
To say I was a little nervous would be an understatement. The thing that most concerned me, was the 3 1/2 hour car ride from Philadelphia to Virginia - with a toddler who has horrible car-sickness.

Knowing we were going to be in the car for quite some time, I talked to her Pediatrician & they recommended giving her a small dose of benadryl. Reluctantly, we gave it to her on the way there and the way back, and she did great!
The H and I both hated having to give it to her, but I didn't want her to be sick and uncomfortable the whole time! It worked like a charm.

On our way to Virginia, we decided to make a quick stop at the Baltimore Harbor to check out the Baltimore Aquarium.

I have to say, growing up in DC and MD, I had been to the Baltimore Aquarium many, many times - but this trip was underwhelming for me. We didn't see half of what we wanted to see because the areas weren't handicapped accessible (my husband brought his wheelchair to get around, since we knew we would be doing a lot of walking!) and the exhibits were sub par. Maybe we went on a bad day, but I left feeling a little dissapointed. After we left we walked around a little, they were having some sort of Boat show that day, so the harbor was filled with old naval ships. It was gorgeous!

We stopped and had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe - Sophia was like another person. Screaming, throwing fits - definitely not herself. We couldn't wait to get out of there and head back on the road!! After horrendous Baltimore traffic we arrived in our room around 7:30. At this point we were wiped out. Sophia was hungry and kept asking for "pancakes", so we went out in search for a diner closeby, the closest thing we could find was an IHOP. SOLD! We ordered breakfast for dinner (the best in my opinion)! Sophia couldn't be happier when her pancakes came out. After a long, trying day - it was nice to have my happy girl back!!! We finished up and headed back to our room. Which was not bad right?? I expected much worse. We stayed at a Holiday Inn, it couldn't have been nicer!

The next day we had plans to go to the Washington Zoo & meet up with The H's brother and Sister in law, and our cutie pie little Nephew!

The zoo was fun! But SO hot!!! At temps around 92 degrees that day, it was a steamy one. There weren't a ton of animals out (they were smart!!) but the kids had fun checking everything out and going to the petting zoo. That was a hit! I wish I got more pictures!

After a long day in the sun, my girl clearly had enough:

We packed it up and headed back to our room to unwind.

Friday by far was our favorite day there! We decided not to plan anything, and just go with the flow and have fun! Sophia clearly needed a "break" as did her mama and papa!! Luckily there was a Chuck E Cheese across the street from our Hotel, so we decided we would spend the afternoon there and let her run around and have fun!! SUCH A GOOD IDEA!

Friday night we headed over to my Brother In Laws, his daughters also made the trip with us from PA (although not together), and brought their kids. The cousins had a blast running around and playing together. So much so that this is what the living room looked like later that night.

Sleeping babies. MY FAVORITE!! Love how they are all sprawled out in every direction. The cutest!

Saturday was the big graduation party day!
It was so nice to have all the kids (minus a few) there together, and get to see family that we don't see all that often. I wish we all lived closer together, but I guess it helps us appreciate those moments when we do all get together!

We had a blast. While we couldn't wait to get home, it was sad to say goodbye to everyone.

When we finally walked in the door Saturday night, it was like Christmas Morning!

The only thing better than coming home to your own bed, after being away for 4 days, is coming home to a PERFECTLY cleaned and organized house and a new shelving unit for Sosie's toys courtesy of her big sister. I'm telling you - I hit the jackpot in the step daughter department! This girl is so thoughtful and caring! The fact that she took the time out of her crazy busy schedule, and neglected her own house for 4 days, to take care and clean ours??!! Well, what can I say! She is the best and I love her!


Olivia Grace said...

This looks like an amazing trip!! My best friend lives in Charlottsville, VA and we love visiting her there. And coming home to a clean house: priceless!!

Sosiesmama721 said...

I love Virginia, there's something about it that just feels like....home. The people are SO much nicer, and things just feel simple. I agree - there is nothing like coming home to a clean house!!! Best feeling ever!