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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Week 1

{one} have you ever been stuck in an elevator?

Ummm....that would be a no. I'd radther die than be confined in a small space with tons of people

{two} have you ever ridden on an elephant?

Can't say I have, although it sounds like loads of fun

{three} have you ever met a well known celebrity?

A few. Jay - Z in the elevator at work was one of my favorites. Now he is someone I wouldn't mind being stuck in the elevator with.

{four} do you have any food allergies?

No, used to think maybe shellfish, but I think it's more of a sensitivity than an allergy

{five} do you know how to sew?

Sadly I don't - although the H taught himself, and is quite the sewer! It's definitely on  my list of things to learn

{six} did you get an allowance when you were young?


{seven} how often do you fill up your gas tank?

Usually once a week or once every other week. Depends on how much extra driving I do

{eight} have you ever been stung by a jelly fish?

No, those little buggers scare the pants off of me

{nine} have you ever been robbed?

No, thank God - it's one of my biggest fears

{ten} what is the worst haircut you’ve ever had?

Hmmm....I guess I've been blessed in the hair cutting department, I haven't really had any horrible cuts. WELL....there was ONE time. Right after I got married - I made the mistake of going to a Super Cuts (I'm not knocking them, BUT when you pay $2.99 for a haircut - you can't exactly expect amaziness). My bangs came out bad, when I got home the H told me I looked like I had a mullet. Nice right??

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What’s in a name?

When I found out I was pregnant (a year and a half ago!); I was swirling around with ideas…..what would we call our little one?

We scoured the internet for names, we knew we wanted something semi-Italian, especially if we were having a boy – he definitely needed a strong Italian name.

After many months, and many arguments (“No we are NOT naming our son Vincenzo”) – we finally settled on Luca for a boy, and Sophia for a girl.

For as long as I can remember, I always knew if I had a girl I would name her Sophia Bella. I loved the way it sounded together, it was perfect and classy. On February 17th, 2010 we found out we were having a girl, much to my surprise (and excitement as well)! Sophia it was!! After we wiped away the tears, and got in the car to drive home – the H turned to me and said “I’d really like her middle name to be Josephine, after my mom”. After speaking to the H’s sister (and my bff) to make sure she was ok with it – which she happily was!

Deal. It was done, I loved it and I thought what better way to honor the most amazing woman, I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, than to name our daughter after her.

The H kept saying to me “If you really want Bella its ok, I wont be upset” – how could I change my mind at that point? It was perfect. And now that she’s here, I couldn’t even imagine it any other way.

Sophia Josephine………… Think it suits her just swell.