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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Remember me? Long time right? Gosh, between working and being a mama, and all that comes with both I've neglected this sweet blog. How do other mama's do it? Do it all? And with more than one kid? I swear, it's one thing I will never get. Moving on....Sophia is in full fledge toddler mode, and I have to say I LOVE THIS STAGE. Despite the occassional meltdown, and temper tantrum - this girl is SO. MUCH. FUN!! She is learning in leaps and bounds, and talking in sentences - the other night she looked over at me and said "Mama's pretty". I COULD DIE! We've had a blast these last few months!! Here's a little recap: Surprises in the mail from Grammy Pat!
Celebrating The St Patty's Parade
Scheming for some candy I'm sure!
Fun days at the park
Bustin a move - this girl LOVES to dance!!
Celebrating Easter, and Our first Egg Hunt!
Lovin Life

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