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Monday, July 20, 2009

This Weekend.....

Was my nephew's christening, a day honestly I thought was never going to come. The hurdles and hoops we had to go through to get to this point were at times exhausting, and trying but in the end - what an amazing day.

Dannielle and Tommy, picked her two brothers to be the Godfathers: The H and Patrick; and Tommy's two sisters: Jenn and Melanie to be the Godmothers.

All were thrilled beyond belief (ahem.......even though one of them didn't act like it at first).

What a better gift to give your siblings than to ask them all to stand up for your son?? What an honor.

The day started off crazy, I had so many errands to run before getting to the church:
Picking up the food, picking up the cake, get the car washed, pick up cards and boxes for the gifts, drop everything off Melanie's where we were going to have a little get together after - then go home and get showered and ready before 12! It almost didn't happen, but by some small miracle it did, and we made it to Dannielle's with a few minutes to spare.

Heather and I - Outside the Church

LP, with his papa - The H (I swear, he's not really that short - LP is just REALLY tall! Plus ignore the hand gestures....such a smartass!! But ya gotta love him.

Our whole, small family was there - which was amazing - I don't think we've all been in the same room together, since well - honestly I can't remember when. Paul's brother lives in VA so we don't get to see him that much, maybe once or twice a year - so whenever we get to see him and his family, well - it just makes me happy.

Patrick with 2 out of his 5 grandkids!! So cute :)

Gram w/the babe, right before he started to cry - at which point she turned to the H and said "How do you make him stop??" HA!

The four of us, The H, Me and Dannielle and the little guy. The H ADORES his sister and her family (HA! I can say that now). Even though at times he can be impossible, there is nothing he wouldn't do for them - nothing. It's amazing to have someone in your corner, through good times and bad - who will always be rooting for you.

Heather, practicing for ummm....never - I mean someday. I can't beleive this girl will be graduating college next year!! We are so proud of her.

Ian with his Nana, perfectly content

Tommy's Dad, Ian and Tommy - the jokesters!

Aunt Melanie with Ian, her first niece or nephew (hmmm....we something in common Mel)

Tommy's family, what can I say - they are pretty awesome. You can tell why Tommy is the great man that he is today - because his family is pretty incredible.
I felt all day like my heart was going to explode, from being so happy - I couldn't stop smiling. This last year, really - profoundly has made me realize that family is the most important thing we all have in life, whether they are blood or self made family - really after a long day that's all we have, and it just may be all we need too. A good bottle of wine every now and then doesn't hurt either.

1 comment:

Mama said there'd be days like this... said...

Love this post. Love you. You're the best bestie ever!!!