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Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Letters


Dear Kelle Hampton - THIS video, has my heart all sorts of happy today.

Dear Adam Levine - I love you, like triple heart, x's and o's, love, love, love you. And that Blake Shelton impersonation?? Priceless. Cute and funny? What more could a girl ask for??
And while we're at it, maybe you can tell Christina to cover up her ladies?? No one needs to see all that, especially my two year old!

Dear Hubby - Thanks for taking such good care of us. For taking such good care of our girl, and our home. People always ask me how can I do this commute, the hours are rough, I'm gone from the time our girl gets up, until she is ready for bed but my answer is always because of you. You always have my back, OUR back and I feel like the luckiest girl ever. All that talk about Adam? Hogwash. You're the only guy for me. You have my heart forever and ever and ever.

Dear Toaster Struedels - Thank you for filling my belly every morning this week. I adore you. My behind on the other hand.....

Dear Blake Lively - You are perfection, and in fact my new girl crush.

Dear Weekend - I'm SO glad you are here. Tomorrow we are celebrating the birthday's of one of my oldest and dearest friends two little chicklets, I can't wait to get in some girl time with my ladies and maybe, JUST maybe some fall decorating.

**All images via Pinterest


Sylvia Holman said...

Blake Lively is def a babe! Thanks for following I have followed back :)

Myranda said...

I am now following you back!
I really love your blog design :)