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Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's Ok Thursdays - V.I

Its Ok Thursdays

Today I'm linking up with Amber and Neely for my first ever "It's Ok Thursdays". Click up top to visit them why don't ya??!!

Here goes....

It's ok - To have wanted this week to be over before it even got started! With back to back birthday parties for Little Miss and The H, this girl is beyond exhausted & looking forward to a weekend with NOTHING to do! Friday, are you here yet??!!

It's ok - That after both above said parties are over, our nice little cushion that we had in the bank is CAPUT. Boo on being broke and eating PB&J for lunch. Thank God tomorrow is payday!!

It's ok - To feel totally over this Summer weather, and being super excited for Fall! Boots, Pumpkin Spice everything, and pumpkin patches?? Bring it on!

It's ok - That I got "caught" this morning, singing and dancing in my car to this song while parking @ the train this morning. To say I was embarassed would be an understatement.

It's ok - That I've been late for work EVERYDAY this week! Little Miss has been "sleeping in" & because I work such wacky hours I try not to leave until she wakes up & we get a few cuddles in. Thank God again for having a boss that understands!

It's ok - That this is what my house looks like this on a daily basis, it makes me a little crazy, but at least I know that my Little Miss is HAVING FUN!


Nicole said...

I'm right there with you on being over summer and excited for fall mama! Thanks so much for stopping by Me + the Moon! Following you back on GFC + Twitter now! Happy to find a fellow mom blogger :) Hope you'll stop by next friday for my find + follow friday hop! :D

-Nicole @

Sosiesmama721 said...

Nicole - thanks so much for stopping by!!! Will def stop by Friday!! Thanks for the heads up!

Laura said...

I love fall too! Have a great week!

Sosiesmama721 said...

Thank you Laura! You too!!!