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Friday, August 24, 2012

Celebrating A Half Centaury

The H turned the BIG 5-OH on August 1st. We had a quiet day that day, went out to dinner - had cake, and opened gifts. He scored a fancy new ipad courtesy of moi, (tell me does he not have the best wife!!). It was nice and simple but little did he know in a few weeks we were planning a joint surprise party for him, and his soon to be nephew in law who was turning 40!

His nieces and I conspired for a few months, to make things perfect! We would tell them it was a party for their two daughters (who both were celebrating birthday's around the time)and make up some excuse about The H needing a ride & his nephew going to pick him up. Clever right?? Well, we seemed to think so. Apparently this totally gave us away, and the boys knew what was really going on, but thankfully never let on! We honestly couldn't have asked for a better day. The weather was GORGEOUS! Sunny & hot. We rented a bouncy house for the little ones, and put out a big baby pool. The kids had a blast! The H's brother from VA even made it in! It was such a great time.

Fifty. Wow!!! I still can't beleive it. Here's hoping for another 50 years of family, happiness and lots of love!


Misty Marie said...

Thanks for stopping by Monkeys & Tutus! Looking forward to reading more from you!

Unknown said...

amazing cake!

Happy Saturday! have a great weekend! Drop by and say hello!

Erin said...

What an awesome cake! I love the Yankees part, not so much the Phillies one haha.

New follower from the GFC hop :)

Cramer Coffee and Jesus said...

that cake is awesome!

Sosiesmama721 said...

Misty - thank you!!!!

Nicholl - it was so yummy too!

Erin - ha!!! Thank you!

Sippy - I wish I had talent like that!!