This weekend included a little bit too much of this.....

Spent lots of time with this lovely lady, so much so that both of our hubbies have declared that next weekend - we are grounded. Not allowed to see each other. Booo......

All in all, it was a great weekend. Date night Friday night with The H - he cooked an amazing dinner and we cuddled up on the couch and watched the season finale of Grey's finally. Holy moly! Izzie and George? The tears didn't stop! Saturday morning I did some errands and then headed over to my SIL's for some shopping, and a cookout with her and a couple of her friends. We had a really great time! She made the most amazing steaks, ever & a sherbet, champagne, liqoured up punch. OMG, it was amazing!! After I got home, I pretty much PASSED OUT! Thank you alcohol! Then Sunday we chilled at home, I baked a little & cleaned, basically waited for my pal Kelly to come over, and helped the H cook dinner!!
Lots of hugs and kisses to this little guy...........
Spent lots of time with this lovely lady, so much so that both of our hubbies have declared that next weekend - we are grounded. Not allowed to see each other. Booo......

And good food and convo last night with this lady.....
All in all, it was a great weekend. Date night Friday night with The H - he cooked an amazing dinner and we cuddled up on the couch and watched the season finale of Grey's finally. Holy moly! Izzie and George? The tears didn't stop! Saturday morning I did some errands and then headed over to my SIL's for some shopping, and a cookout with her and a couple of her friends. We had a really great time! She made the most amazing steaks, ever & a sherbet, champagne, liqoured up punch. OMG, it was amazing!! After I got home, I pretty much PASSED OUT! Thank you alcohol! Then Sunday we chilled at home, I baked a little & cleaned, basically waited for my pal Kelly to come over, and helped the H cook dinner!!
Now it's Monday night, I worked from home today - because NJT was all sorts of messed up this morning. It feels like I already worked 800 hours this week, why is tomorrow only Tuesday??
Hoping this week is relatively quick and quiet. I don't think that's too much to ask for right??
Thank you for posting such a lovely picture of me...I was preggers then wasn't I? I guess "the crazies" started back then...LOL
DANYUN....I had a feeling you might wanna kill me with that picture - but it's goofy, I love it!! HA!
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