I was up at 6:00am this morning baking ziti:
The party was @ 3:00, I got there around 3:30ish, and was greeted by this beauty:
Arianna, who was attached to my hip for most of the day/night. I adore her, and well I think the feeling is mutual. As I was stumbling out the door (after one too many mojitos, thanks B!), Ari said to me:
“Please don't go yet Brandi, I wanna come home with you and Mr. Paul”
I said “Oh, really?”
She said all casually “Yeah, I’m gonna go pack a overnight bag and be right back ok? Don’t tell my mom ok?"
HA! Love this kid to pieces but she still didn’t come home with me and Mr. Paul.
So the birthday boy, wanted a "Diego" party. I think Diego is Dora's "friend", not to be confused with "Boots" (and I don't know HOW I know this).
Well, guess who showed up???
Diego!!! Ari, was SO excited! She kept saying "I wanna talk to Diego, can I hug him? Why does he dance like that? What's in his backpack? Can I touch it?" So, so cute!!
Her Brother on the other hand??

ummmm, mojitos...you lush. God help us at your 30th!
Oh man, Beena makes the BEST mojitos. I can't wait....you and me have a date with a pitcher of Sangria. LOL!
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