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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Baby, Baby, Baby

Holy moly......I've fallen hard.

My sweet nephew, just born a few hours ago. I don't think I'll ever be the same. Mamma was a trooper, Daddy didn't pass out (although he came close!)

Ian Gabriel, 6Lbs, 4OZ. Welcome to the world little guy.


Daily dose of Dana said...

Congrats Aunt Brandi! This is so awesome!!!!! He is so adorable!!!

kimmyk said...


such a sweet baby boy!
love the name too btw.

Sosiesmama721 said...

Dana - I can't beleive he is finally here! It's unbeleivable. Dannielle and Tommy had a BABY! I still can't get over it!

KimmyK - Thanks, I think I'm gonna like this aunt thing :) I know, me too!! They had a bunch of different ones picked out, some great, some a little frightening but Ian Gabriel sounds so strong and masculine. I adore him to pieces.