My husband, has this system I guess when it comes to decorating. He likes certain ornaments in certain spots & well when he can't find them (because I don't know - HE LEFT THE BOX IN STORAGE) he gets a little testy. Anyhow, we didn't kill each other - and we made it through. It's funny - as soon as the tree goes up, I love it. Love the way it looks, love everything about it - then the day after Christmas - I'm over it. Want it down immediately. Is anyone else like that??
This weekend is our annual cookie swap and I am super excited. I'm hosting it this year & I'm really looking forward for everyone getting together (some people meeting for the first time!), eating & chatting. I'm a little stressed because I have a lot to do (including finishing my Christmas shopping!) but I think it will come together just fine!
I love this time of the year, the season - the sights, the smells but most of all I love the traditions. So do share, what are some of the traditions you and your families practice? Whether it's cookie swaps, secret santas, christmas books for the kids - whatever! I'd love to hear some ideas.
I miss our "seven fishes" tradition. Sweating to death at grandmom's, having to open the doors. Then making baby footprints on the front screendoor window in the fogginess of it and getting screamed at for making the window "dirty". That will always be my favorite tradition/memory of Christmas. No matter what new up-coming traditions may bring. Although, I'm sure they will be just a fun once Ian comes.
I'm a total Nazi about the Christmas tree, too. It's hard not to be "particular" about where you want certain ornaments placed. :)
I have a lot of self-imposed traditions. I like watching Christmas movies while I wrap my presents. I tried to start a Christmas tea party tradition a couple years ago but find I'm just too busy to keep that one up every year. The cookie swap is a fun one though! Hope it goes well.
what a pretty tree!!!
this weekend abbie and i are making cookies and peppermint bark. i can not wait!
Danni - I miss those too. Remember we tried it one year and it just wasn't the same? Christmas' at grandmom's was probably one of my favorites too - I miss those days but like you said - I think once Ian gets here there will be a whole new set of traditions.
Mel - I guess your right, for me though I just don't put much thought in it. Maybe I should start!
Kimmyk - thanks! What kind of cookies?? and peppermint bark sounds delish!!!
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