I think she might have been ready to kill us :)
The best idea - EVER!!!
Go PHILS! Ian's gonna love baseball whether he likes it or not :)
I know I promised D - but I couldn't help it!! Love the overalls!
Mama w/the Aunts - our first nephew, we are so excited????!!!

My favoritist girls!!! Dannielle & Michelle. Baby making machines :)

The day was perfect, we had a lot of people which I was really happy for - mom & dad got SO much stuff & they are pretty much set for the little guy to arrive. Two more months, I don't know if I can contain myself that long - I feel like a kid at Christmastime waiting for him to get here.
D - I love you & tommy more than I can put into words, you inspire me everyday with your strength & courage and the love that the two of you have for each other. You've given me something that I never thought I would have - a real family. I am so proud to call you my sister, but importantly my friend. I love you.
And now I'm crying, k - thanks. Goodnight.
o lord.. you and your sentiments!
but in any case i'm glad i'm a favorite!!!
we all had such a great time, well done!!!
and gram.. 90!! so freakin cute!
hahaha! I'm so glad everyone had fun! It was so nice for both our families to get together! And I told you about Gram - anytime you want to take her, you know for holidays and such - she is ALL YOURS!
You sneaky, sneaky, devil. See, you can keep a secret...like this blog!
I had THE perfect day on Sunday. I couldn't have imagined it any better. Thank you for everything! I'll try to keep Paul under control for you, just remember he's channeling Mom. And you remember how Mom was. Just look at Gram!
And I have to mention a special thank you to Michelle too. I know she helped so much (thank you Kristen for that beautiful cake!) without any official "recognition". I just want her to know that I KNOW how much she did. AND her presents rocked too...LOL.
Now as far as you getting all sappy on me, I can't go there or I'll end up crying for 3 days straight and I've gotta work a 6 day stretch this week. I need to save my strenght for dealing with that. But seriously, you know I love you. And if you don't you're foolish. I may not be super lovey but there isn't anything I wouldn't do for my family. And you ARE my family. Always will be.
So cute! I LOVE that cake! Glad everything went well.
she certainly isnt "super lovey" ... give her another 2 months though.. that just might change!!!!!!!!
Danni - I know, maybe I can keep a secret after all!! Michelle is amazing - she helped so much, so YAY for Michelle! I'm so happy everything turned out ok on Sunday. And as far as Paul goes if anyone can keep him in check it's you! I love you.
Mel - Isn't it adorable?? It was so cute I was afraid to eat it!
Michelle - She's foolin everyone....I think after Ian comes she'll be just as bad as me :)
the shower sounds and looks like a hit!
and your grandmother is downright precious!
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