This picture may or may not have made me cry this morning, over breakfast. Some of you may know, I was rooting for Hilary all the way - but since she conceded I have made a point to learn everything I can about this man. I hope and pray that he becomes our next president and leads us in a direction we have so desperately craved over these last eight years. This right here, is why he just may have a small piece of my heart.
Loooovee this photo!
I too was all on the Hilary bandwagon and prayin', but now my prayers have shifted.
I think he's a good man.
Ohhh man!! I love that photo, what a great moment to capture! I'm with you on Obama, I really have my fingers crossed. (And am so crazy I've looked into flying into the States for election day... it's going to be so exciting!)
Where did you find the photo?
kimmyk - I know, I was doing the same & I was so certain she was going to make it, but regardless I am so happy he's the one that will bring us home. I agree me too! And I L-O-V-E Biden. Great pick.
brandy - I know how much you love him & I think it's so amazing how vested you are in this race. I think you should TOTALLY fly in for election day, it's going to incredible.
Oh and the picture is from flickr -here's the link http://www.flickr.com/photos/barackobamadotcom/sets/72157607199310466/
it's from a townhall meeting he recently did in Michigan
This is precious. I want to hug Barack!
mel - me too, or kiss him - I haven't figured out which one yet!
also. off topic...
about the other post.. im serious. if you need help,let me know. even addressing the cards or what not. i'm game! i wanna help!!
michelle - ok, thanks I really appreciate that. Here's my email address semichrmd@gmail.com - I should be getting the invitations hopefully by Tuesday (I could definitely use some help!). Thanks so much again!!!
It is SO cute. I saw it on my shared items on google reader a few days ago and melted.
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