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Tuesday, December 10, 2013


This past weekend we braved our first snow storm this season, and headed to our local mall to meet SANTA!
We've been telling Sosie for weeks that we were going to meet Santa - really talking it up, because let's face it - most kids between the ages of 1-4 aren't always fans of the big guy. She did GREAT!

You see that little smile there??!!! NO TEARS!

After she was done with pictures Santa asked her if she had been a good girl, and what she wanted him to bring her for Christmas to which she replied "LOTS OF BABIES". Fake babies friends, NOT real babies - this shop is closed; thank you very much. We couldn't beleive she was actually talking to Santa, if you know our girl you know she is SO shy.

Afterwards we went home, and decorated our tree:

And painted gingerbread houses:

YES. Hers is hot pink. I kept saying to myself "Just let her paint it whatever color she wants, it doesn't have to be perfect." She was SO proud of herself. When I came home last night her and papa had put mini lights in the house and lit it up. I know 20 years from now - I'll pull that house out and smile! All hot pinkness of it.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Skipping Days and Favorite Quotes

Image Via

Words I think we should all live by.
Try a little kindness.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

10 Random Facts About Me and A December Challenge

Let's face it; I've been pretty crappy at this blogging thing for awhile now. Every so often I get the urge to write, to put something out into this little space, to actually do something that I enjoy; but finding a few extra hours in the day, or even the week are tough. Plus truth be told, life isn't really all that interesting lately. Not that it's not good, because it is - it's actually great but there's not a whole lot going on.
I'm gonna make an effort though. A real honest to goodness try. I saw this challenge posted on Madi's blog, and thought "That's just what I need" a little kick to get me started. I'm a few days behind, so bare with me!

Day 1 - 10 Random Facts About Me

One - I love cheesy country music, I think it's the southern girl in me.

Two - My favorite TV character of all time is Brenda Barrett from General Hospital; after she was fake killed off, I wouldn’t watch for years – I quickly got over that.

Three - I have an irrational fear of cotton balls. Don't ask me to explain, I really don't know where it came from.

Four - I love getting real, snail mail. Nothing makes me happier.

Five - My dream is to retire with my little family and move to Virginia. On a little farm and perhaps a porch with a swing. Someday.

Six - My favorite movies of all time are The Notebook, Pretty Woman and Waitress (Keri Russell and pie – LOVE!).

Seven - I won’t buy clothes or shoes without a coupon.

Eight - My family is my most prized possession – I thank my lucky stars for them everyday

Nine - If I had to pick my favorite meal; it would be my husband’s chicken cutlet (that man can cook, I am a lucky girl!)

Ten - I can't cook for the life of me but need a baker? I'm your girl.

What's something your friends and family would be surprised to learn about you?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What we've been up to September / October Edition

The last few months have been a whirlwind, a crazy / hazy whirlwind - but in the best way!

We've welcomed the birth of the newest addition to our family - our sweet grandson (YES! GRANDSON!) Maximus Christopher - born Sept 12th. What a blessing!!!!

We've celebrated the birthday's of two daughters from my oldest and sweetest friend!!!

We've mastered the art of blowing the biggest bubbles ever!

We've spent many afternoons running through the park chasing the duckies!

We've perfected our brownie baking skills!

And let our imaginations run free!

We spent the most amazing, beautiful Fall day at the pumpkin patch!!

We learned that no matter how trying, and crazy these toddler days can be - we have this beautiful silly girl to be so thankful for!!!

Little miss finally fell in love with all things "BABY!" her dolls are now with her endlessly, and this mama couldn't be more excited.

We celebrated Halloween with the cutest Doc McStuffins around!!!!

We have been keeping busy that's for sure! August - October is always such a busy time for us, with family birthday's & get togethers happening - there literally wasn't a weekend where we didn't have SOMETHING going on. But I love it!!! These next few weeks will be quiet leading up to Thanksgiving; my most favoritist time of the year!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Blogtember (A few days late!!!)

I've read Jenni's blog for quite some time now, I love her "Advice for bloggers" series, and her fashion posts. God I wish I could pull it together every day like this fabulous lady! I'm gonna keep trying, someday friends, someday.
I saw one of her blog challenges this summer and was a little late to the party, so I figured only 3 days into it now was as good of a time then ever to start!!!

Todays prompt: A story about a time you were very afraid

For me, one of the scariest times of my life was while I was pregnant. My pregnancy started off as anything BUT normal. I was sick, SO sick. Remember back in 2009 when the world was in a tizzy over this little thing called Swine flu? Guess who got it? This girl. I was sicker than I've ever been - EVER. My husband said I was literally grey, he had never been so worried about me. Little did I know ontop of having the dreaded swine flu, at the same time I was actually 6 weeks pregnant AND this fun thing called morning sickness kicked in. For about a week I couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't hold anything down, everything that I took came back up (sorry tmi). I went to my family doctor and they prescribed some pretty heavy duty antibiotics, that I couldn't keep down because - well, you get the drift. Finally one night, as I laid on the couch my husband said "That's it - I am taking you to the hospital". While we were in triage waiting to be seen, a nurse asked me "Is there any chance you could be pregnant?". The thought honestly hadn't even crossed my mind. I'd been so sick for the last couple of weeks, I couldn't even think straight let alone concentrate on when my last menstrual cycle was. I had been spotting for a few days, so didn't think I could possibly be pregnant, but they ran a test just as a precaution, as well as a few other tests to figure out what could be going on.
After about an hour of being hooked up to an IV to try to get some fluids in me, the doctor came in and said "Well, we have good news and bad news for you - what do you want first". Always the optimist, I said "Give me the good news doc". He proceeded to tell us we were pregnant!! OMG. What??!!! But that I did indeed have the swine flu, and because I was bleeding, they were worried I was at risk for a "spontaneus abortion" - or a miscarriage.
Truthfully, I never thought I would become a mom - after years and years of wanting a baby I always thought maybe it's not in the cards for me. To be told all at once that I was pregnant, but you are at risk of loosing the pregnancy was earth shattering for me. To make matters worse the doctor that was attending to me had a horrible bed side manner, was not sympathetic AT ALL. He went on to tell us "60% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, it wouldn't be uncommon". Great. Definitely not what I wanted to hear. We were discharged, and I was put on bed rest until I could see my OBGYN, which wasn't for another 2 1/2 weeks. Those weeks were the longest weeks of my life. Never knowing if this pregnancy that I had been hoping for - for what seemed like forever would suddenly be taken away from me. My husband was a wreck, and continued to be throughout my pregnancy, so afraid that something bad would happen. Every ultrasound, everytime I got to hear our babies heartbeat reaffirmed for me that in fact, everything was going to be ok. And it was. We have a beautiful, healthy, vibrant 3 year old little girl now. All my dreams came true!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Falling For Fall

Is it so wrong that I am so, so ready for Summer to be over??
Don't get me wrong, I really love Summer - this Summer in particular has been pretty magnificent - but I'm ready.

Ready to break out the boots, and longsleeves; the big cozy sweaters; the pumpkins & scarecrows.
To shop for halloween costumes, visit the pumpkin patch, to sip pumpkin spiced lattes? Yes, dear God YES - sign me up!

Image Here

It's no secret that Fall is my favorite time of the year, I just love everything about it - the colors, the food, the smells; hands down - the best!

I've already started shopping and putting together my wish list of things that I need want for Fall.

A few of my favorite pieces so far:

Images Via Torrid

I also got little miss' Halloween costume last weekend - she is loving Doc McStuffins lately, when I asked her what she wanted to be for halloween she said "Duh silly, Doc!"; well she didn't say that but she mine as well have.
Image Via

Is this beyond cute or what???!!! I love it. I kinda want a doc costume myself.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Listening – I pretty much have been listening to Taylor Swift repeat for the last week. Don’t judge.
I love me some T Swift. Especially after seeing her a few weeks ago in Philly during her Red Tour. Say what you will, she is one hell of a performer, and put on such great show. "I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it". Seriously, love.

Reading – Not much, unless well you count my weekly US Weekly and People perusing. Everytime I pick up a book lately I just loose interest quick. Makes me sad because reading used to be one of my favorite hobbys.

Eating – Oh my goodness, everything that I can get my hands on lately (and aheam, I am not pregnant). I blame PMS. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! I’m really love these amazing Skinny Cow (peanut butter crème) bars. SO delish!!!

Feeling – Anxious! I have a lot coming up (Sophia’s 3rd birthday with her cousins, a few events planned in the next few weeks and well - a grandson on the way…good lord!) I definitely have a lot to look forward to, and I couldn’t be happier with where I am at the moment, but my plate is pretty full.

Drinking – Diet Coke is my kryptonite. I just can't quit you.

Weather – This morning I woke up to a breezy 63 degree chill! I love it. Wish summer was like this constantly; those 100 degree days? No thanks.

Wearing - My skinny zippered ankle jeans from Torrid. LOVE.

Wanting – A vacation, a little bit of a break – oh and maybe a maid on top of that. You don’t think that’s too much to ask for right??!! We are planning our first big family vacation to Disney next October. Sophia will be 4 – which I think is the perfect age to go! I’m excited, and I think she will be too!

Thinking - Is it too early to buy Sophia's halloween costume? She is OBSESSED with Doc McStuffins lately, and we found this cute costume at the Disney Store, but it's August ya'll??!! I feel like it's too soon, but if I wait will they sell out? What's a girl to do?!

Enjoying (TV edition) – Loving, loving, loving Showtime’s new “Ray Donovan” series! Liev Schreiber is amazing (and not too bad to look at either!). Mistresses – so campy but so fun! And RHOC – seriously, I cannot get ENOUGH of those crazy girls!

Monday, August 5, 2013


We have seriously been having the best summer. Our calendar has been and continues to be jam packed, but in a good way!

Officially kicked off the summer with my very first New Kids concert! No lie, I've loved these guys since I was 9! After trying to get tickets for months, I gave up. One of my friends from work emailed me one day and said she had two tickets to their show in Philly and wouldn't be able to make it, and did I want the tickets? HELL YES! They put on an amazing show!! So much fun!

Little miss learning how to play T-Ball, I think we have a future slugger on our hands!

Fun times at our town's fair!

Lots of Sesame Place visiting! And yes proud mom moment when my girl finally posed for a picture with Cookie Monster!

I think she's ready for hollywood (on second thought, let's scratch that idea!)

Lots of fun times with her cousins!

A certain someone turned THREE!!!!

Lots of watermelon eating

Mama and baby dates (seriously my fave!!!)

Showering my stepdaughter, and getting ready for a new baby!!!! Yep, this ladies gonna be a Mimi!

Taylor Swift in Philly (amazing!!!)

And Wicked (date day with the hubby!)

That's only a snippet of what we've been up to the last few months, hard to beleive that August here and Summer is officially dying down. I'm sad and happy at the same time!

Monday, July 29, 2013


Has it been over a month? Seriously. I have no excuses anymore.
I'm just a bad blogger. There I said it. But I'm making some changes, like a little bloggy facelift & even a name change - so stay tuned friends!!!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Sunday, June 2, 2013

May Cara Box

I signed up for Kaitlyn's Cara Box exchange in April, if you haven't signed up - do it now
Every month there is a different theme, and it's a great chance to meet other bloggers!!! April's theme was "Going green" for Earth Day, I had soooo much fun putting together Wendy's package. 

May's theme was to put together a package (of around 5 gifts) of things representing the city in which we lived, I put together a cute package for Amanda over at Rhyme and Ribbons full of some of my favorite treats from some of my favorite places!! 
In return, I got the sweetest package from Courtney over at All Things Unpredictable and Chic which included some things representing Utah, including some hot tamales, the most amazing chocolate bar ever, and some great sunscreen, chapsticks and jello from her hometown of SLC, Utah. 

I had such a great time getting to know these ladies over the last few weeks and am so happy to call them friends!!! 

Thanks Kaitlyn for this awesome swap, I'm looking forward to June's Cara Box exchange!! 

Cara Box


Saturday, May 18, 2013

What we've been up to lately, in pictures.....

Things have been busy, busy, busy around these parts - but the good kinda busy. 

The sunny days, blowing bubbles kinda busy


 First train ride to NYC, American Girl Doll Tea Partying kinda busy

Sesame place visiting, birthday partying kinda busy


Bachelorette / Bridal Partying kinda busy

Turning 34 (whoa!!!) and margarita drinking  kinda busy

Mothers Day celebrating with my girl kinda busy

 Finding out we are going to Grandparents (EEEK), and IT'S A BOY!! 

Kinda busy?! Yep, you could say that. The last few months have been a whirlwind, but oh so much fun!