"Horsing" around
I believe in the sand beneath my toes. I believe that love and laughter are the best medicines. I believe that a girl can never have TOO many shoes, handbags or too many magazines.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
I'm linking up again this week with Wendy and Randalin - please go check out both of these amazing mama's & sign up!
Currently I am...
Missing....Being pregnant. Is that weird?? As sick as I was throughout the better part of half of my pregnancy, I miss it. I miss feeling life inside of me, I miss that special bond between me and my growing baby and the weekly pedicures (my one indulgence while pregnant)!
Craving....Space. Little Miss is growing fast!! She is outgrowing our bed which she has shared with us since she was a wee baby and since we will be sharing a room until we move, it's time to set her up with her own space! We are thinking of rearranging our bedroom to give her her own little area. This means getting rid of furniture, throwing stuff away that we don't need and downsizing. Hopefully by Christmas we can make this happen!!
Anticipating....Fall. Cooler Weather. A jam packed social calendar in September, which may include Breakfast with Sophia's favorite peeps ever - Yo Gabba Gabba!!! We live literally ten minutes from Sesame Place, and got word that they'll be here in a few weeks. She will be SO excited! I can't wait to see her little face!
Thinking....About a dear friend whose going through a rough patch. I'm such a fixer, and it kills me there is nothing I can do to help her. It's been weighing heavy on my heart.
Singing....Taylor Swifts new song. Don't hate me but it seriously rocks my socks off. Go listen here. I dare you not to fall in love.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Celebrating A Half Centaury
The H turned the BIG 5-OH on August 1st. We had a quiet day that day, went out to dinner - had cake, and opened gifts. He scored a fancy new ipad courtesy of moi, (tell me does he not have the best wife!!). It was nice and simple but little did he know in a few weeks we were planning a joint surprise party for him, and his soon to be nephew in law who was turning 40!
His nieces and I conspired for a few months, to make things perfect! We would tell them it was a party for their two daughters (who both were celebrating birthday's around the time)and make up some excuse about The H needing a ride & his nephew going to pick him up. Clever right?? Well, we seemed to think so. Apparently this totally gave us away, and the boys knew what was really going on, but thankfully never let on! We honestly couldn't have asked for a better day. The weather was GORGEOUS! Sunny & hot. We rented a bouncy house for the little ones, and put out a big baby pool. The kids had a blast! The H's brother from VA even made it in! It was such a great time.
Fifty. Wow!!! I still can't beleive it. Here's hoping for another 50 years of family, happiness and lots of love!
His nieces and I conspired for a few months, to make things perfect! We would tell them it was a party for their two daughters (who both were celebrating birthday's around the time)and make up some excuse about The H needing a ride & his nephew going to pick him up. Clever right?? Well, we seemed to think so. Apparently this totally gave us away, and the boys knew what was really going on, but thankfully never let on! We honestly couldn't have asked for a better day. The weather was GORGEOUS! Sunny & hot. We rented a bouncy house for the little ones, and put out a big baby pool. The kids had a blast! The H's brother from VA even made it in! It was such a great time.
Fifty. Wow!!! I still can't beleive it. Here's hoping for another 50 years of family, happiness and lots of love!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
7 Questions and A NEW BLOG DESIGN!
Hi Friends!!!
I'm back and recharged after a little break! I feel like Summer is finally winding down, commitments are slowing down & I can finally BREATHE! Which is always a nice feeling.
You know what else feels nice?? A pretty NEW BLOG DESIGN!!! Thanks to Mrs. White over at Little Homemade Housewife!! She was AMAZING to work with, and SUPER quick! We started emailing last week, and she was done by Monday! And not to mention she is a real sweetheart! She took all my suggestions, and likes and came up with a simple, pretty little design that I am in love with. If you are in the market for a new blog design, please go visit her!! You will not be sorry!!
Now onto 7 Questions...linking up with Gentri
1. Bold or Understated?
Hmm....I would have to say understated for the most part. At times, I can be bold but that's only if you catch me on a good day! HA!
2. You have to survive alone in the wild and you only get to take one thing with you. Your choices are: A Pocket Knife, a Water Bottle, or a Book. Which do you choose and why?
Yikes. Pocket Knife for sure! Hopefully I am surrounded by a body of water of some kind, so I wouldn't need a water bottle (I've got hands for that!!) & I definitely wouldn't pick a book - because once I read it what would be the point of that one?? But a knife would come in pretty handy for many things (umm like FOOD!)
3. Thirty Two Cows, Seven Eight Chickens, How Many Didn't?
Problem solving is SO not my strong point. You got me. I give up.
4. Would you rather die doing one legendary act of service or do small acts of kindness that may go unnoticed every day?
Small acts of kindness. For me this is an easy one. You really don't need anyone's recognition to do something nice!
5. Happiness is ________. (one word; fill in the blank)
My Little Miss!!! (I cheated, 3 words)
6. Can you laugh with out smiling?
Dude, that's just creepy & not even humanly possible!
7. Do you pop your knuckles?
No, but I used to when I was younger!
Click below to go see Gentri!!!

I'm back and recharged after a little break! I feel like Summer is finally winding down, commitments are slowing down & I can finally BREATHE! Which is always a nice feeling.
You know what else feels nice?? A pretty NEW BLOG DESIGN!!! Thanks to Mrs. White over at Little Homemade Housewife!! She was AMAZING to work with, and SUPER quick! We started emailing last week, and she was done by Monday! And not to mention she is a real sweetheart! She took all my suggestions, and likes and came up with a simple, pretty little design that I am in love with. If you are in the market for a new blog design, please go visit her!! You will not be sorry!!
Now onto 7 Questions...linking up with Gentri
1. Bold or Understated?
Hmm....I would have to say understated for the most part. At times, I can be bold but that's only if you catch me on a good day! HA!
2. You have to survive alone in the wild and you only get to take one thing with you. Your choices are: A Pocket Knife, a Water Bottle, or a Book. Which do you choose and why?
Yikes. Pocket Knife for sure! Hopefully I am surrounded by a body of water of some kind, so I wouldn't need a water bottle (I've got hands for that!!) & I definitely wouldn't pick a book - because once I read it what would be the point of that one?? But a knife would come in pretty handy for many things (umm like FOOD!)
3. Thirty Two Cows, Seven Eight Chickens, How Many Didn't?
Problem solving is SO not my strong point. You got me. I give up.
4. Would you rather die doing one legendary act of service or do small acts of kindness that may go unnoticed every day?
Small acts of kindness. For me this is an easy one. You really don't need anyone's recognition to do something nice!
5. Happiness is ________. (one word; fill in the blank)
My Little Miss!!! (I cheated, 3 words)
6. Can you laugh with out smiling?
Dude, that's just creepy & not even humanly possible!
7. Do you pop your knuckles?
No, but I used to when I was younger!
Click below to go see Gentri!!!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
It's Ok Thursdays - V.I
Today I'm linking up with Amber and Neely for my first ever "It's Ok Thursdays". Click up top to visit them why don't ya??!!
Here goes....
It's ok - To have wanted this week to be over before it even got started! With back to back birthday parties for Little Miss and The H, this girl is beyond exhausted & looking forward to a weekend with NOTHING to do! Friday, are you here yet??!!
It's ok - That after both above said parties are over, our nice little cushion that we had in the bank is CAPUT. Boo on being broke and eating PB&J for lunch. Thank God tomorrow is payday!!
It's ok - To feel totally over this Summer weather, and being super excited for Fall! Boots, Pumpkin Spice everything, and pumpkin patches?? Bring it on!
It's ok - That I got "caught" this morning, singing and dancing in my car to this song while parking @ the train this morning. To say I was embarassed would be an understatement.
It's ok - That I've been late for work EVERYDAY this week! Little Miss has been "sleeping in" & because I work such wacky hours I try not to leave until she wakes up & we get a few cuddles in. Thank God again for having a boss that understands!
It's ok - That this is what my house looks like this on a daily basis, it makes me a little crazy, but at least I know that my Little Miss is HAVING FUN!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Friday's Letters
Dear Rain - Please, please, PLEASE stay away tomorrow.
Dear Little Miss - I'm thinking it's about time you got acquainted with your OWN bed. Our little queen sized bed is becoming cramped with you in it. While I love snuggling and waking up to your sweet face every morning, I think it's time.
Dear Fall - Hurry up and get here already. I'm over temps of 95 degrees and sasandals and flowy dresses. I want boots and jeans and well.....not to have to shave my legs every darn day.
Dear Sephora - We've gotta slow things down. It's not you, it's me. But seriously my bank account cannot sustain or weekly meetings. Target do you hear that? Goes for you too.
Dear NJT Commuters - Its never ok to eat a smelly, onion laden hoagie on the train. That's just gross!!
Dear Pink - I love you. Thanks for rocking my otherwise boring commute home this week.

Dear Little Miss - I'm thinking it's about time you got acquainted with your OWN bed. Our little queen sized bed is becoming cramped with you in it. While I love snuggling and waking up to your sweet face every morning, I think it's time.
Dear Fall - Hurry up and get here already. I'm over temps of 95 degrees and sasandals and flowy dresses. I want boots and jeans and well.....not to have to shave my legs every darn day.
Dear Sephora - We've gotta slow things down. It's not you, it's me. But seriously my bank account cannot sustain or weekly meetings. Target do you hear that? Goes for you too.
Dear NJT Commuters - Its never ok to eat a smelly, onion laden hoagie on the train. That's just gross!!
Dear Pink - I love you. Thanks for rocking my otherwise boring commute home this week.
Sophia's most FAVORITE toy was missing yesterday. From the way The H sounded when he told me, you'd think the world was coming to an end. Little miss was not happy!
They searched everywhere, but poor Plex was nowhere to be found.
After crying (for what seemed like an eternity) - this is how she passed out.
Later last night, as I was on my way home - I got a text that they found Plex. Under mama's pajamas. Poor guy, must've been comfy!
This my friends, was the highlight of my week!!!
This weekend is The H's big surprise (shhh....) birthday party.
My niece and I are throwing it for her fiancee who is turning 40, and The H who turned (gasp) 50. As bad as it sounds, I'm SO looking forward to it being over! All the planning & preparation - the stressing over everything being just perfect. I'll be happy when it's all done!!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Baby Fever
Image Via
Maybe it’s the fact that a few of my good friends are newly expecting babies, and a few others are talking about expanding – but this last month I’ve come down with THE fever – yep: BABY FEVER!
So much so that I had a dream the other night that I was pregnant again. It was another girl. An emergency c-section was in order. The doctors couldn’t find the H. It was wildly vivid. And then I woke up.
But as often as I get the urge for another baby, I just don’t think it’s happening. And that’s ok. That doesn’t mean it’s not something that I still struggle with.
I’d love nothing more than to have a bunch of babies running around, to love on, to grow up together – to be there for each other when they get older – but I think one will do.
The H just celebrated his 50th (yep you read that right!!) birthday.
He has two grown kids (25 and 27). My God, he could be a grandpa soon. Ha! That’s funny to even think! Point is – he’s not getting any younger.
Another issue is his health. It’s gotten progressively worse these last few years. It’s not easy for him to get around sometimes, and silly things we take for granted like running around outside or bath-time – can be hard for him. Not to mention, he is home everyday with little miss.
He’ll never say it, but I know at times it’s A LOT for him – having a toddler, and one as high maintenance as our girl, is demanding.
So…..Sophia will be our last baby. We will love her, and spoil her like MAD!
She will grow up with a big sister and a big brother that would move heaven and earth to ensure she was happy & well taken care of.
She will have cousins who she adores!! She will have a “big brother cousin” who will look out for her & protect her. And she will have two parents who think the sun rises and sets in her eyes and who love her more than all the stars in the sky.
And well, that’s ok.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Currently I am.......
Listening - To Ben Howard. Haven't heard of him? You should - CHECK HIM OUT.
He's dreamy. He reminds me of Ray Lamontagne. I could listen to him forever and never get tired of hearing his sweet voice. LOVE.
Daydreaming - About tropical vacations, and faraway islands. The H and I are toying around with the idea of heading to Jamaica for a long weekend next May. His neice is having a destination wedding, and it will be our ten year wedding anniversary next year. The only problem is - it's mother's day weekend. I'd be away from my girl for the first time & to top it off it'd be mother's day weekend. What would you do??!! I'm stumped.
Wanting - A little quiet time. I swear July / August are the busiest times of the year for us. With birthday parties, showers, weddings - etc; we seem to have something planned from now until the end of the month. I'm tired just thinking of it.
Looking - At condo's and bigger apartments. Seriously I know I am just dreaming, but I'm itching for more space & a bigger place for my little fam.
Writing - Lists upon lists. With so much going on these days, writing it down is helping me keep it all together.
So what's everyone been up to?? Summer is slowly dying down, and it'll be back to school soon for the kiddies. How are you enjoying these last few weeks??
Listening - To Ben Howard. Haven't heard of him? You should - CHECK HIM OUT.
He's dreamy. He reminds me of Ray Lamontagne. I could listen to him forever and never get tired of hearing his sweet voice. LOVE.
Daydreaming - About tropical vacations, and faraway islands. The H and I are toying around with the idea of heading to Jamaica for a long weekend next May. His neice is having a destination wedding, and it will be our ten year wedding anniversary next year. The only problem is - it's mother's day weekend. I'd be away from my girl for the first time & to top it off it'd be mother's day weekend. What would you do??!! I'm stumped.
Wanting - A little quiet time. I swear July / August are the busiest times of the year for us. With birthday parties, showers, weddings - etc; we seem to have something planned from now until the end of the month. I'm tired just thinking of it.
Looking - At condo's and bigger apartments. Seriously I know I am just dreaming, but I'm itching for more space & a bigger place for my little fam.
Writing - Lists upon lists. With so much going on these days, writing it down is helping me keep it all together.
So what's everyone been up to?? Summer is slowly dying down, and it'll be back to school soon for the kiddies. How are you enjoying these last few weeks??
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