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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Long Overdue

Two months huh?? I really am lousy at this! Promise to get better, although judging by most recent track record, I'm sure that doesn't count for much.

These last two months have flown by, like most months since I've become a mom. I just want to freeze time, and savor every moment of my girl.

Let's see - what have we been up to??

Some Tricks....

Some Treats....

Thanksgiving, loving her big grandmom

Didn't quite make it to dinner - who needs turkey to make make you sleepy??

And Finally - Christmas!!

Someone wasn't quite sure what to make of all those presents Santa left

But she warmed up eventually!!

Christmas this year, was pretty amazing. Sophia didn't quite get the concept, but she was super excited, and had a blast opening presents.

As we head into the new year, I am anxious to see what next year brings, what new things my girl will learn, and excited to see her continue to develop into the little lady she is quickly becoming.

Hope everyone is having a great holiday season, and wishing you and your fams a happy, healthy new year!!!!!!