Doesn’t seem real! My baby will be ONE in 4 more months. What happened? I just want time to stand a little stiller, to go by a little bit slower.

I want to make sure I’m taking all of this in, and cherishing all of these little moments, because in a matter of time, Sophia will be walking and talking, and before I know it she’ll be going off to school (dear God, someone will need to institutionalize me for that one).
These last 8 months, have been amazing, everything I ever wanted, and so much more.
They’ve also been hard, I’m not gonna lie.
I wasn’t prepared for a lot of this, the sleepless nights, the struggle of being a working mom trying to keep it all together, feeling like I suck at not only being a mom, but being a wife as well. The struggle to find balance, which is still a work in progress.
Above all, the thing I was mostly unprepared for – was the feeling that my heart sprouted legs and is walking around outside my body.
I worry about so much; Worry that she’s not eating enough, or too much.
Worry that she’s not sleeping enough.
Now that she’s mobile – I worry that she’s going to fall and get hurt. The list goes on and on, and on.
But that’s normal right? From what I hear, it doesn’t stop. It doesn’t ever go away. Even when your babies are grown up and married, and have families of their own.
But it’s ok. If this is the trade off, that I get to have a happy, healthy, beautiful daughter – then by all means, bring it on. Sleep though, would be nice, really, really, REALLY nice – I’m just sayin’.