Was my nephew's christening, a day honestly I thought was never going to come. The hurdles and hoops we had to go through to get to this point were at times exhausting, and trying but in the end - what an amazing day.

Ian with his Nana, perfectly content
Dannielle and Tommy, picked her two brothers to be the Godfathers: The H and Patrick; and Tommy's two sisters: Jenn and Melanie to be the Godmothers.
All were thrilled beyond belief (ahem.......even though one of them didn't act like it at first).
What a better gift to give your siblings than to ask them all to stand up for your son?? What an honor.
The day started off crazy, I had so many errands to run before getting to the church:
Picking up the food, picking up the cake, get the car washed, pick up cards and boxes for the gifts, drop everything off Melanie's where we were going to have a little get together after - then go home and get showered and ready before 12! It almost didn't happen, but by some small miracle it did, and we made it to Dannielle's with a few minutes to spare.
Picking up the food, picking up the cake, get the car washed, pick up cards and boxes for the gifts, drop everything off Melanie's where we were going to have a little get together after - then go home and get showered and ready before 12! It almost didn't happen, but by some small miracle it did, and we made it to Dannielle's with a few minutes to spare.
Heather and I - Outside the Church

LP, with his papa - The H (I swear, he's not really that short - LP is just REALLY tall! Plus ignore the hand gestures....such a smartass!! But ya gotta love him.

Gram w/the babe, right before he started to cry - at which point she turned to the H and said "How do you make him stop??" HA!
LP, with his papa - The H (I swear, he's not really that short - LP is just REALLY tall! Plus ignore the hand gestures....such a smartass!! But ya gotta love him.
Our whole, small family was there - which was amazing - I don't think we've all been in the same room together, since well - honestly I can't remember when. Paul's brother lives in VA so we don't get to see him that much, maybe once or twice a year - so whenever we get to see him and his family, well - it just makes me happy.
Patrick with 2 out of his 5 grandkids!! So cute :)
Gram w/the babe, right before he started to cry - at which point she turned to the H and said "How do you make him stop??" HA!
The four of us, The H, Me and Dannielle and the little guy. The H ADORES his sister and her family (HA! I can say that now). Even though at times he can be impossible, there is nothing he wouldn't do for them - nothing. It's amazing to have someone in your corner, through good times and bad - who will always be rooting for you.
Heather, practicing for ummm....never - I mean someday. I can't beleive this girl will be graduating college next year!! We are so proud of her.
Tommy's Dad, Ian and Tommy - the jokesters!

Aunt Melanie with Ian, her first niece or nephew (hmmm....we something in common Mel)

Tommy's family, what can I say - they are pretty awesome. You can tell why Tommy is the great man that he is today - because his family is pretty incredible.
I felt all day like my heart was going to explode, from being so happy - I couldn't stop smiling. This last year, really - profoundly has made me realize that family is the most important thing we all have in life, whether they are blood or self made family - really after a long day that's all we have, and it just may be all we need too. A good bottle of wine every now and then doesn't hurt either.