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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Things I've Learned in The Past Week

  • That little guy, is going to have my heart until the day I die, I mean seriously - how could you not love him? Look at him.
  • When a guy with metal stakes through both of his ears, tells you getting your nose pierced isn't gonna hurt at all.... yeah, well he's lying
  • When you abuse your body long enough, eventually it's going to give out on you
  • Contrary to popular belief time, doesn't heal all wounds
  • No matter how hard you try sometimes, you are never going to please everyone - there are just some people that are un-pleasable and that's ok
  • Some people thrive on drama, don't let them tell you they have "changed" because chances are they haven't. Old habits are hard to break.
  • If you're having an affair with a married man, who's breaking up his family to be with you - YOU ARE the other woman, no matter how hard you try to tell yourself you AREN'T - he IS leaving her for another woman - YOU
  • Life isn't slowing down, time to take advantage of it while we can.
  • Hearing my nephew giggle, and make "farting" noises, is quite possibly heaven on earth
  • I don't like basketball, or UFC or any of that other crap the H makes me watch
  • Avocado's are really GOOD
  • Guys should always hold the door open for a lady, especially when she's maneuvering a stroller
  • Mat Kearney makes me happy, so do Jason Mraz, Jack Johnson, Rob Thomas and Ray Lamontagne
  • Mani/Pedi days are pretty incredible - especially when shared with your bff
  • Sometimes, all you really need is love - the rest is just icing on the cake

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Marriage is Invalid

According to the Catholic Church. That's what I just had to listen to this afternoon. But let's back it up a little bit. Today sucked basically. The H's step sister passed away last Friday, they think she died of a drug overdose, but can't be sure. Today was the viewing and funeral, and well - it sucked. I have a massive headache that doesn't wanna go away and well I just feel drained.

On our way home, we stopped at a church, in our area that I called yesterday to ask about baptizing the little guy. When I spoke to the woman yesterday, she said under no circumstances can they (meaning the catholic church) refuse to do a baptism for a baby and all we would have to do is come in and register. My SIL Dannielle was married years ago and divorced, and other churches have basically refused to baptize the baby so I thought "awesome, we finally found someone". We went and met with them and well, let's just say it didn't quite go as planned. They said they would do it, but she had to get a letter for her parish with them "agreeing" to release her or something. Before we left my SIL asked about the Godparents, if there was anything they would need to do in order to basically become Godparents (which the H and Dannielle's hubby's SIL are going to be). The woman proceeded to ask us, well - are they both married (yes and yes), were they both married in the catholic church (no and no).....this is where things get interesting. "Since your marriage is considered invalid, they wouldn't be able to be Godparents". Ouch...low blow. Hearing my marriage being called invalid kinda hurt a little.....she proceeded to say it again, this time the H interuppted and said "in the church's eyes". Oh boy, here we go. He managed to stay calm, we ended up thanking her for her time, blah, blah, blah & home we went. I feel bad, because I know Dannielle wants to baptise the babe, before he gets too big. But I have faith one way or the other, it'll happen.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


How much of yourself do you give in a relationship?
Do you pick and choose your battles - only fight the big ones, and blow off the small ones?

Or do you hold your ground, stand up for what you believe in regardless of how the other person feels or how its going to affect them?

I've always been the type in relationships to sit back and nod my head, whether I agreed or not. Its just me, I don't like to create drama or tension - I like to make everyone happy (specifically the H), I just want for everyone to like me. Pathetic right?

I'm trying to change. I'm trying to speak up more, trying to stand up for what I believe in and how I feel. It hasn't been easy, especially because of my pattern to please, please, please. It takes some getting used to. It may not make everyone happy, but it makes me happy. At the end of the day, isn't that what really matters? Making yourself happy? If that means making other people unhappy along the way, is that ok?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The start of good things to come

My heart is so full. It's 11:30 (almost) and I can't stop smiling, or crying. How weird am I??

Today was my SIL (Dannielle's) first mother's day. We had brunch at our place to celebrate, and had our gram who is almost 91 come to join in on the fun. It was so amazing to watch her interact with the little guy, she was genuinely happy - which I haven't seen in a really long time. It was pretty incredible. I think it was just the boost she needed to get out of that funk she's been in!

Gram with the little guy

I feel like having a new baby in the family, particularly Ian - has brought new life into our family, he's brought happiness into our hearts again, where things seemed so dark for so long, their finally light again and I have to say that's a pretty great feeling.

Uncle Paul, loves his nephew....

So handsome.

Sleepy pants

The girls: Me, Dannielle and Gram

"Gimme that book!!"

What a fun day today was, I wish it didn't have to end.

I wish I didn't have to go off to work tomorrow BUT a girls gotta pay the bills.

Sweet dreams bloggy buds, I hope everyone had a great mothers day.

Mother's Day

For a really long time, Mother's Day has been just another holiday in our family.

It's a day we all kind of avoided - The H's mom passed away 8 years ago & it was devasting to our family. Holiday's definitely took on a new meaning after she passed, but this year - it's my SIL Dannielle's first official mother's day and I couldn't be happier or more excited for her. This morning we're having her and her husband, the babe of course and grandmom over for breakfast. I'm actually really looking forward to it, so is the H - to see his sister in this new light, as a mom is pretty amazing for him. I think it's also helped to heal, a little bit of the pain he's had in loosing his mom. It sounds cheesy, but I feel like there's a new ray of light in our family, all in the form of this perfect little red headed baby boy!
So happy mother's day out there to all you mom's, I hope today is filled with lots of laugh & memories to last a lifetime!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Multi-tasking at it's finest

I'm working from home today. Stuck on NJT last night for over 3 hours, this morning they were expected the same delays...needless to say as soon as I saw that I called my boss and said I wasn't coming in, but would be working all day from home instead. Truthfully, there's not a whole lot I can't do from home that I can do in the office - which is nice. Plus I have a pretty great group of assistants that I can count on.
On the plus side, I can also get stuff done at home that so desperately need to be done like:

1-Unloading a dishwasher that's been full for the last 3 weeks, why oh why family don't you do this??
2-Doing the 15 or so loads of laundry that are starting to take over my bedroom
3-Writing out "Thank you" cards - because yes, people this is a priority
4-Spending some quality time (although, let's face it - quality at this point means "I'm home!!") with the H
5 - Oogling (is that even a word) cute pictures of the little guy, which at this very moment my SIL just sent me!! Love her!!

So that's my day in a nutshell, hope everyone has a good hump day, three more days till the weekend - WOO HOO!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sweet Bean

The sweetest little bug, 4 months this week. My how time flies........

Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man

Weeks Endings

Tonight (or actually tomorrow morning) officially marks the END of my birthday week. I had such a great week, I feel like I'm floating on air. Friday night I met up with some friends for happy hour @ On the Border. Half price appetizers and $3 margaritas makes for a fun night!

Isabel, Me and Beena

Isabel, Me and Tammy

Beena & I have been friends for wow...almost 12 years. She is the only "friend" I can get in knock out, drag out, throwing things at each other kinda fights and still talk to the next day. She's taught me to stand up for myself, hold my own if you will. I'm not quite there yet, but I'm working on it.

Oh and for the record, the above pictures were taken before the great margarita dibacle of 2009 kicked in.

Just a piece of advice, don’t drink 4 (or was it 5??) margaritas on an empty stomach & then think you are going to make it out of the parking lot standing up. All I’m saying is, I owe Beena a carwash. I haven't done that in at least 6 years, if not longer. First sign, that I am getting old. Anyway, after I blessed her pretty little car, I felt fine - but was ready to go home. Wanted to get home early, so I could be well rested for my girlie day with Dannielle.

We had an appointment with Dana, who Dannielle and I are both in love with. She really does give good hair!! Love her. I was going to get my normal, just a trim shoulder length with side swiped bangs cut & Dannielle ended up finding a style in a book and said "oh, what do you think about this one?". It was a little shorter than I thought I wanted, but I have to say I LOVE IT! It's so cute and easy to manage. Danni decided on going super short, I'm not gonna lie at first I was a little worried about her, I kept thinking "Oh my God, what if she hates it? Oh no!!" BUT, she didn't. She loved it, and she looked absolutely adorable.

Saturday night, we did dinner with family and friends. The h wanted to do a big blowout party, but being in a recession and all - we thought it wasn't such a good idea. Instead we decided to dinner @ The Olive Garden, don't laugh. It's nothing fancy, but it was what I wanted. Lowkey and simple - and that's exactly what it was.

Me and Dannielle -
I can't even tell you what it meant for me to have Dannielle with me, by my side Saturday night. She's been going through a rough time as of late, you can read all about it here. Dannielle's my hero, the strongest most bravest woman I know - which she learned from the best. Her friendship is one of my most cherished possesions & without her, I don't think I would be half the woman I am today, and I truly mean that. I always felt I was missing something, missing a mom, missing a family, missing where I came from. But not anymore, and it's hugely in part because of her. So thank you, although - I didn't think that'll ever be good enough.

Heather & I - talk about overachiever....I'm so proud of this kid, she is going to school full time (Elementary Ed w/a a double minor in Spec Ed and Pyschology, miss smarty pants!!), working full time, and Student teaching so many hours a semester. She never stops. She knows what she wants and goes for it, full speed ahead. She drives me bonkers at time, but I love her beyond words. Beena and I - this week is her birthday week, Saturday night we are heading to a columbian restaurant on Philly called Alma De Cuba. Should be interesting, but I wouldn't miss it.

Beena and her hubby Eric, he was the one on the motorcycle accident a few months back. He's just now getting back to normal. So glad that he was able to make it, and so glad he is getting things back together.

Two of my very best friends, Amy and Kelly who also happen to be sisters.

Shannon and her BF Rick. Shannon was my very first friend @ the job I'm currently at. She trained me, and taught me pretty much everything I know. She's the sweetest girl, you'll ever meet - I'm so glad she's finally found her prince after so many frogs!!

Mama Pat. The kindhearted, funny, make you pee your pants laughing so hard mom that I never really had. She would do anything for anyone , she has a heart the size of Texas and a laugh that is contagious. There were times when we would just look at each other and laugh uncontrollable for one seemed like hours until we were crying! She truly is a gem, one of a kind & a beautiful person.

Heather and Little Paul - you know I never realized until this picture, HOW much they look alike. Wow! What a lot of people don't know about LP is he has THE best sense of humor ever! He can make anyone laugh, and he has the best personality of just about anyone I know when he lets his guard down, not to mention he is a WIZ with computers and electronics - SO smart that kid! I swear I think he could be the next Bill Gates!! I stuck him next to Pat because I figured they would get a long great. She emailed me tonight to tell me she's in love with him, so I guess it worked.

My second most favoritist guy in the universe, yes sorry love - you got demoted by a cute little red headed boy, who happens to be my #1. But somehow I think you'll survive. There are no words, that would possibly be fitting for me to describe how much I love the H. Even when he makes funny faces like this and screams at me over wet towels, I still can't help but think I hit the jackpot.

Ian (or actually his mama!!) got his aunt bebe a massage!! I've never, ever had a massage, can you beleive it?? I cannot WAIT to go. Dannielle, we have a date really soon!! Such a thoughtful gift!!

Amy bought me the prettiest pendant, that has some really nice words written on it (which for the LIFE of me I can't remember), it was absolutely beautiful. And some snazzy notecards too! Can't wait to start sending out snail mail!!

That's my "awwwww" face, can you tell?? HA! Miss Kelly got me Chelsea Handler's new book, a beautiful inscribed bookmark that she had personalized from "Things to remember". It says "It takes a long time to grow old friends, love Kelly". Perfect!! I can't wait to use it.

Shannon, what a me the prettiest coziest scarfs. How did she know I've been on a scarf kick lately?? Love em!!

Pat, knowing my love of all things pictures, got me a snazzy digital picture frame. She said "So you can remember your 30th birthday". What a gem.

Being a goof towards the end of the night, someone yelled out for me to make "my angry face"......well, if you know me, you know I don't really do angry - so this is as good as it gets. Funny huh???

Completely overwhelmed, feeling so much love - after a long week. This was probably one of the best birthday's I've ever had. Amazing friends, my family - I know I keep saying it but life is good, in fact - it couldn't be better. Sorry for being such a sap tonight, I would blame it on PMS but I would be lying, and well that's just not cool.