I believe in the sand beneath my toes. I believe that love and laughter are the best medicines. I believe that a girl can never have TOO many shoes, handbags or too many magazines.
Friday, December 26, 2008
The Joy of Giving
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Put A Ring on It
Now, I wanna kick the radio when it comes on. Can't be normal can it?? Good grief.
So today I finished my Christmas shopping finally. Thank GOD! I do have to go out tomorrow to get a few things, but it's all one stop shopping & that is pretty swell. I'm gonna attempt to bake a homemade cheesecake this year, since our favorite bakery in Trenton is gone & I can't see spending $40 on a cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory (so yum but ouch!).
Anyone have any good recipes? Please share. I'll send you some cookies :) Or maybe even a pie, yeah a pie - that sounds better.
Speaking of cookies, I had our annual cookie swap at my house yesterday. A lot of people didn't make it, we didn't have the greatest of weather rain and ice which turned out to be not that but but some of my friends are pretty flaky like that and cancelled at the last minute so there ended up being 7 of us instead of 11 which actually was a really good amount. I had a great time, we girl chatted & swapped some great cookies (DANYUN.....holy moly! your sugar free choc chip cookies were so great! your bro even liked em!!). I can't beleive Christmas is in 3 more days. I'm pretty much prepared, still need to bake and wrap but that's not too bad considering we are usually out Christmas Eve doing the bulk of our shopping. Not this year!
I read a great blog post today about Christmas giving, and cutting back this year with the state of the economy being so horrible. I was curious, did you all cut back? What were some of your money saving techniques this year? For us, honestly - we probably spent half of what we spent last year on gifts. We also, cut back to doing just family (and two very close friends) - whereas most years I buy for all my girlfriends and their kids (which at this point they are going on 3 or more kids a piece). Instead of gifts my girlfriends all decided we would get together between Christmas and New Years for a lunch date - sans kids and hubbies, and actually spend some quality time together. And you know, really isn't that what Christmas is all about? Spending time with the people you love? I'm really looking forward to that this week. Starting with tonight, I'm off to curl up in bed with the H - maybe watch some Paula Deen (because ya know, I like to keep things saucy ya'll).
Monday, December 15, 2008
Tis the Season

My husband, has this system I guess when it comes to decorating. He likes certain ornaments in certain spots & well when he can't find them (because I don't know - HE LEFT THE BOX IN STORAGE) he gets a little testy. Anyhow, we didn't kill each other - and we made it through. It's funny - as soon as the tree goes up, I love it. Love the way it looks, love everything about it - then the day after Christmas - I'm over it. Want it down immediately. Is anyone else like that??
This weekend is our annual cookie swap and I am super excited. I'm hosting it this year & I'm really looking forward for everyone getting together (some people meeting for the first time!), eating & chatting. I'm a little stressed because I have a lot to do (including finishing my Christmas shopping!) but I think it will come together just fine!
I love this time of the year, the season - the sights, the smells but most of all I love the traditions. So do share, what are some of the traditions you and your families practice? Whether it's cookie swaps, secret santas, christmas books for the kids - whatever! I'd love to hear some ideas.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The post in which I sorta sound like a Mastercard commerical or a lady whose PMSing
Case in point – my shopping trip last night consisted of the following:
Brownie sheet w/walnuts – $5.99
Chocolate layer cake - $4.99
Chocolate Syrup - $3.49
Peanut Butter cookies - $3.99
Single Serving Carrot Cake - $2.49
Book of stamps (because hey! A girls gotta mail her x-mas cards!) - $8.40
Look on the H’s face when I got home with nothing but Junk – Priceless
In all honesty the brownie’s and chocolate cake are for my bosses birthday, chocolate syrup and pb cookies are for my husband, the carrot cake is FOR ME! Love, love, love carrot cake! And my rationalization is that if I only bought “a slice” I wouldn’t feel tempted to eat half the cake. Crazy? Speak for yourself.